The Front Door of Love


Hey! I’m Katie. I am the wife of an amazing Ugandan man and Mama to an always dancing 2 year old boy. We currently live in the Bay Area in California. We have also lived in China and Germany in the past few years. I’m from a super small town but I love to travel! I’m passionate about flowers and am a trained florist. I love sitting down and listening to people’s stories so I am loving this blog!


Psalm 145:8-9

“The LORD is gracious and merciful: slow to anger and great in lovingkindness. The LORD is good to all, and His mercies are over all His works.”

In the last 4 1/2 years of marriage, my husband and I have moved internationally 3 times. We are used to a lot of change, packing, unpacking and living out of suitcases. We have had our share of loneliness, feeling lost, being strangers and longing for loved ones and friends we have left behind. Honestly, we have longed for a little kindness to encourage us along the way. I want to share with you how God has shown us His kindness through the family of believers around the globe!

God’s kindness is shown as an example for us all throughout scripture. Psalm 145:8-9 says, “The LORD is gracious and merciful; slow to anger and great in lovingkindness. The LORD is good to all and His mercies are over all His works.” The word lovingkindness really stuck out to me because you see God described this way so many times in the Psalms. The Hebrew word for lovingkindness is Checed. It means mercy, faithful love, and lovingkindness. It’s a faithful, consistent and always there kindness towards us. It has me thinking if God shows such great lovingkindness to me I want there to be lovingkindness in my actions to others. I want to be described like Him. I want this kindness to extend to my family in Christ especially.

Eph 2:19 says, “ So then you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with the saints, and members of God’s household…”  We as believers have become a part of God’s household and family no matter what country or culture we are from. The family you now have stretches around the world! In the past few years, I have seen a special ministry of kindness that believers have shown to their brothers and sisters in Christ. Here are just a few examples of lovingkindness shared with me personally:

Believers have welcomed me as family in several countries although they have never met me before. Do you know the love of God that is felt from a hug like that? Complete strangers embracing through the shared love of Jesus! It’s an amazing feeling!

Believers in China threw us an engagement party and 2 baby showers in a culture where they don’t have these traditions. I still cry when I think of this because they knew that it meant something to me in my cultural background.

Believers in Germany let us live with them free of charge for everything! I’m talking free rent, toiletries, food, and a crib and car seat for our son. Plus they did not know how long we would be with them!

Believers in Singapore sent me a phone from across the globe when mine was stolen and we couldn’t afford a new one.

Several times believers have sent us money to help in huge times of need. They were not expecting to be repaid and gave it freely.

Believers I had just met have sat down with me and genuinely asked how I am physically and spiritually. They spent the time to consider all I was pouring out and pray with me. I am the kind of person who doesn’t open up right away but when I could sense they were intently asking that gave me such freedom to share. This is also a big deal when you have moved so much and don’t have many people to deeply talk with.

Believers in America got us gifts for my son in our last move so he would have toys to play with when we got here and feel welcomed. Tears again.

The crazy thing is that in most of these examples the brothers and sisters in Christ had NEVER met me! Also, the believers were from many different countries and cultures. It is a sweet comfort to know I have family all around the world. I’m in awe of the love they have shared and I know that this kindness can only stem from our God. Galatians 6:10 says,”Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all especially to those who are of the household of faith.”  All these memories have me thinking of ways I can consider my brothers and sisters in Christ and send some lovingkindness their way! Here are a few areas I am seeing needs and wanting to share some kindness.

Do you have a spare room? Consider having missionaries stay with you on leave or letting a young family live with you who are starting out.

Has a family recently moved to your town or country? Consider showing them around, explaining the layout of the city and giving them tips for shopping and restaurants. This was always an amazing help for me!

Do you know someone who is going to school or starting out at a new job? Consider funding them with some extra cash!

Do you know some missionaries? Send them an encouraging message or even a care package. Believe me when I say kindness is sometimes found in peanut butter or holiday candy from home! Seriously ask them what they would love to receive.

I would love to hear other creative ideas God has given you to share some kindness! I know from experience that God will supply all you need so you can give out even more!

Phil 4:19,”And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

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